Tuesday 4 September 2012

Romance genre

  •  Conventions of a romance genre and what we expect to see in a trailer for that genre :

- The trailer has to make an attempt to make it's self unique from other trailers of the same genre, for example they could include different characters to other films or specific actors that haven't been in a romance genre before.

- We expect to see the female and male lead and a quick preview of how they met.

- a situation will occur that will test their relationship, the audience won't see the end result but will expect the couple to  break up but eventually resolve the situation.

- A family member will cause problems usually a mother or father who want the best for their child.

- The trailer needs to show the audience the story line and should leave some enigma's for the audience too anticipate what happens so that they don't already know the whole plot just from watching the trailer.

- We expect to see part of their love story like them going on a date or walking down a street holding hands, a romantic atmposhere created for the audience.

  • Three trailers i have chosen from the genre to look at:
Titanic trailer 1997

The Holiday

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?   feature=player_embedded&v=S3G3fILPQAU                                                             The Notebook
  • Titanic trailer: In this trailer you see the two main characters and the life that they both have which are very different. The female lead being upper class and you see a guy giving putting a necklace on her but the close- up shot of her face reveals to the audience that she is not happy in the relationship. The male lead is of a lower class and prefers to have a laugh, although he has a romantic, soft side to him that attracts her. They meet on the boat he spots her for the first time and his friend tries to tell him that he has no chance with her. They properly meet when she tries to make a suicide attempt by jumping off the boat due to her being unhappy, although he convinces her not to jump. The next part of the trailer shows them having fun together dancing, however that is then destroyed by her fiance threatening jack and getting annoyed with her. Jack tells her that she needs to leave her fiance otherwise she will die. It then shows a close-up on a crew member looking worried there is a split second between the crew member and the iceberg being revealed, the audience are left to anticipate how badly the boat will be damaged however that is revealed throughout the rest of the trailer. The next shot is a close-up of jack and Rose kissing unaware of the iceberg until it has hit the boat and parts of it land on the ship. Their is a mid-shot of the boat hitting the iceberg underwater and you can see some of the damage to the boat. The rest of the trailer shows people desperately trying to get off the boat and people attempting to remain calm as part of the boat starts to sink. 

  • Titanic is a tragic love story, it has all the elements that we would expect to see in the trailer. It shows how the two main characters meet, a family member trying to wreck the relationship in this case the fiance. The situation of the ship hitting the iceberg and is slowly sinking will test there relationship and also the fiance tests how strong she feels for Jack as to whether she will leave her fiance. The trailer shows the story line and also leaves enigma's for the audience as they have to try and figure out who will survive and if any of the main characters will die.

  • The Holiday is completely different to Titanic as it is about four people that fall in love. The trailer shows a woman who is in love with a guy who is about to get married, it then shows another woman breaking up with a guy who slept with someone else. They both have the same idea which is to get away over christmas vacation as they don't want anything to do with men, little do they know that will change. The two female leads talk online and decide to do a house exchange where they go to the other persons house for two weeks. As the trailer goes on it shows the two woman getting to there new location and getting used to the surroundings. It shows a mid-shot of the woman opening the door and then a mid-shot of a guy standing there, the audience are left to wonder if they will get together. It then shows the other woman sitting on a sofa with a guy creating the sense of romance between them and that they have already got to know one another. It then progresses and the next main part of the trailer is when she says 'I'm leaving in nine days, and this makes it complicated' this leaves an enigma for the audience as they don't know what will happen next will they stay together when she leaves. It shows the other two characters laughing at a house and drinking showing they enjoy each others company. It then shows the same characters eating at a restaurant laughing this creates a romantic atmposhere and the audience assume they are together.
         The Holiday uses the four main characters as it's unique selling point this is because they are    famous actors. The two main female leads are - Kate Winslet and Cameron Diaz attracting the male audience to watch as they are attractive females. The two main male leads - Jude Law and Jack Black they attract the female audience as they are good looking and also the film is about romance which also makes woman watch it. The trailer shows the audience how all the characters meet each other.

  • The Notebook is a romance genre, this shown through the use of the two main charcaters and the love they share. The trailer shows the male and female lead meeting at a carnival where he persuades her to go out with him, it continues showing them having a laugh together and the romance begins to spark. However the common convention of a romance genre is to have a family member intervene and split them up. The trailer shows a mid-shot of the woman leaning over a desk telling a guy ' It has got to stop' it then quickly shows another mid-shot of the man walking towards the camera and the woman in the background leaving the house running after him. It then goes to a two-shot of the mother and the daughter having a conversation, the mother says 'You are not to see him and that's final'. This reveals to the audience that they will split up and some other guy is going to enter her life that the mother approves of. Another convention is that the trailer leaves an engima not showing the audience how the couple's relationship ends, the trailer reveals the other man and how she is about to get married to him but then the first guy appears after 7 years wondering what is going on. The audience are left to wonder who she will pick and what will happen to the mother as part of the plot is revealed that the mother never gave her the letters that the guy was sending to her over the years. The music creates the romantic atmposhere as it is soft and gentle it corresponds to the trailer as it shows the couple on a boat and them dancing together, showing the audience the love they share.

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