Wednesday 26 September 2012

Camera shots

Establishing shot - A long or extreme -long shot at the beginning of a scene indicating where it is set, when and some of the characters.

Master shot - A camera shot that keeps everything in view, characters and the rest of the setting.

Close-up - Zoomed into the character speaking mostly used on monologues, also used in certain scenes.

Mid shot - Contains a figure from Knees / waist up normally used for dialogue scenes, shows some detail of action and variations on this include two shot.

Long shot - Shows the image as approxiametly 'Life' sizw corresponding to the real distance.

Aerial shot - Variation of a crane shot, taken from a helicopter often used at the beginning to establish setting and movement.

Point of view (P.O.V) - This shows the audience what the actor is eeing, shows a view from the subjects perspective.

Over the shoulder shot - Following an actor looking over their shoulder showing the audience what's in front of them.

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