Friday 1 February 2013

Mama - Official Trailer (2013)

In the trailer you can see genre indicators, these tell the audience that this film is a horror. The first genre indicator is the music as it is slow and eery, also when the old man enters the house and sees the creature this tells the audience that the creature is something to be feared of. The next genre indicator is when the mother says' They talk to walls', this intrigues the audience into watching the film as it could be supernatural with ghosts, creatures and maybe posession. Another genre indicator is when the mum tries to show affection to one of the girls and she says 'I don't want you to get hurt'. The girl seems frightened of something watching her and is scared for the new mum's life, this makes the audience wonder what it is that she is scared of could it be Mama? The last genre indicator reveals one of the girls laughing in an evil way, with a shadow appearing in the background, this shows the audience that the girl enjoys watching Mama create danger and possesses some evil within herself.

The music stays at a constant level throughout the trailer, changing it's tone slightly when the girls first step out of the car, to show a new beginning. It then changes again to a lower tone when it is revealed that they talk to walls, this is to show that there is danger approaching. The music gets more dark and mysterious when one of the girls is being shown affection, this signifies that someone is annoyed at what they see and that bad things are going to happen. Nearer the end of the trailer there is a faint sound of someone humming, this adds to the atmosphere that the trailer is trying to make. The humming is used to create a build up of tension and creepiness for audience members, this is to make them intrigued as to what will happen next.

The pace of the trailer is slow to start for most of it as it highlights the girls conditions that they have been in over the last years, it shows the audience how the couple ended up taking them home. It also reveals a butterfly that appears at certain points throughout the trailer, leaving an enigma for audience members as they wonder if the butterfly resembles Mama. Once the trailer shows what looks like a woman being posessed in the kitchen and the girl saying 'Mama stop it, you promised'.

Narrative: Mama is a horror/mystery about a couple who are raising the guys two neices. His two neices were left alone for 5 years to defend for themselves in the forest. The trailer holds the audience in suspence throughout as they want to know more about who Mama really is, however it builds on the anticipation as it shows the children talking to walls, fearing love and a strange shadow appearing. The plot revolves around the mystery of the girls and the audience finding out who Mama is, how bad is the character Mama?, what can she do?, is she still alive or dead?. The scene were the girls are hugging each other as the first step out of the car reveals a hint to the audience that one of the girls might be calling 'Mama'. The next scene that links to this is when the two girls are drawing on the walls, the little girl looks over and the audience see a butterfly, could this be Mama?. Another scene that shows that Mama might be evil is when the older girl and the new mum are in the bathroom, she tries to comfort her and the child is terrified about something bad happening if she is shown affection. This reveals to the audience that they are not alone and were never alone in the forest, Mama could be angry if they children are shown affection by anyone other than her. The last scene shows the little girl laughing when the new mum asks who 'Mama' is, this leaves the audience to wonder if the little girl is evil and what will happen next. The shots before show chaos happening with the oldwer girl saying 'Mama you promised' this could show that Mama is annoyed at something and has broken her word of keeping quiet and not causing problems. An enigma for the audience to the think about is whether Mama is real or their imagination due to them being isolated in the woods for 5 years.

Target audience:

It is for a target audience of 15 as the trailer shows jumps and scary aspects, it does not contain gore and although skeletons are revealed in the trailer, it does not show any killings involved to other characters however being a horror the audience expect death. I think this film will be mainly revlved around suspence, antcipation and jumps. Although these are key features the narrative suggests that it is not suitable for a younger audience as it shows seperation from people and how the children have become obssessed with what they call Mama. This could give nightmare's to younger viewers and creep them out. The film aims for a more psychological approach with the mystery of figuring things out.

USP: The USP for this trailer is the character of Mama, they show a butterfly in some of the shots showing that maybe Mama can transform into different things. The audience are intrigued by this character as they want to know more about this creature, this is different to other horrors as the trailer shows a figure following the children, overloooking rather than an outright killer.

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