Monday 25 February 2013

Harry Potter - Magazine front cover

This magazine front cover is not very effective as the title is missing, although people will know straight away that it is about Harry Potter the title should still be included to make the audience aware of the which Harry Pooter they will be reading about inside. The USP for this front cover is Harry Potter himself and the well known actor Daniel Radcliff, this immediately draws in Harry Potter fans.

Although Harry Potter is techniqually a unique selling point the rest of the poster does not have an effect on making people want to read about it, this is because there are no other elements to the poster apart from telling us that it's 'Total Film'. The background represents poewer and magic, which everyone knows the film is based on, however it does not create an effect for audience memebers to want to read on.

Without other elements such as a tagline or other captians to say what's inside the magazine, it has no overall effect and does not draw the audience's attention. A good magazine front cover should include many features such as:    The Title of the film that will be mentioned
                                         A tagline to intrigue the audience
                                         More information on what the magazine includes
                                         An image that overall makes the magazine cover stand out
For me this is not a good magazine front cover as i expect more detail to be covering the page rather than a single image and the magazine title, this is because withought the other elements people don't know what the magazine actually contains such as whether it's talking about just the one film or many films. It has the vital information that the audience should be told before they buy the magazine and start reading, they need to find something that intrigues them.

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