Thursday 17 January 2013

Silent Hill: Revelation Official Trailer (2012)

  • You can tell from the trailer that it is a horror film due to the first few shots and the intertitles. The trailer brings you straight in at the deep end explaining that something about this town is dangerous and deadly. The beginning few shots show what seems to be a creature and fire but they are quick flashes, so it's not long enough for the audience to see any detail, making it an enigma for the audience to find out. The next shot is longer revealing slightly more detail, it is a long shot that slowly gets closer to the character, showing the audience that it is a girl who might be controlling the thing that is killing people. You see a quick close up of the character and she has a dead pan expression showing that she is in total control, the next shot is of another character screaming from the nightmare. The next genre indicator is when you see the intertitle 'For Six years, they have run from the past' this indicates to the audience that she has been haunted by this reoccuring nightmare and it is never going to end. The next shot shows the girl isolated in the hallway and the lights start going off, when the audience see that lights are coming back on it is revealed that she is no longer at school and that she is in what looks like part of a rundown building. Although it is dark there is a shadow of what could be a creature moving towards her, indicating to the audience that she could be in danger. The camera shows her facial expression which is confused and worried, it then shows her pespective with the creature looking at her, when the creature begins to move with get that perspective revealing panic on the characters face. You then get a sound of an electric shock and she is back in reality showing that the nightmare has turned into sudden visions of the town. Another intertitle 'But the nightmare wants her back' adds to the atmposhere that she will never escape the danger that this nightmare holds.

  • Narrative: The narrative that you get from the trailer is that it is based on a girl who has been running away from a nightmare and yet it still follows her, she dreams of it and wakes up screaming, visions have started to occur and it all seems real. As the trailer unfolds part of the story is revealed such as why she has been haunted by this nightmare, the trailer shows the female character being followed and then the dad opens the door and this leaves the audience questioning what happened to him. A symbol is shown on the wall that she recognises and the male character says 'Do you know what that is'. This leaves an enigma for the audience as they want to know what it is or what it does, but they know it is linked to danger. After finding the madallion that has the symbol shown the wall starts to disappear and the two characters find themselves in a similar place to the nightmare. The woman opens the door after the guy has been hit by someone, as she opens the door it is snowing this links to the first shot of snow on the ground, the audience anticipate that she is now in silent hill and as you see a long shot of her walking down the road the sign brings the audience to realise that they were correct and she has now entered silent hill. She encounters a woman and asks 'Where is my father?', the lady responds with 'The darkness is coming, it's safer to be inside'. This makes the audience expect danger and fast pace again, which is what the trailer gives. You see clips of her running, creatures that look like giant spiders, the medallion that is a kay that unlocks the true nature of things. The old lady says 'You were chosen to destroy the demon', this reveals to the audience as to why she possess the medallion and why the nightmare has never gone away. It shows her confronting the little girl that the audience assume is the demon, the last few shots allow the audience to see some of the action that is going to happen. For me the trailer reveals a lot because at first the audience have enigma's so they want to watch the film and by the end of the trailer, they know about why the nightmare has haunter her and what the medallion can do. The only enigma it leaves is the little girl and whether she is the demon or is just being possessed and made to look evil. In my opinion i would still watch the film as the trailer shows a lot of potential for scares and action, creating a reall horror movie tension.

  • Target audience: The target audience for this film is a 15, this is due to it being a horror and the content within as it's not gruesome but it's scary enough that for younger viewers they may have nightmares of their own. Most horror films are 15 or an 18 depending on the content as an 18 would be more graphic and gory. If a horror movie was a 12 then it would not be able to have that many jumps or actuall horror scenes as it would be for a younger viewing audience things would have to be toned down.

USP: The story line is based on a nightmare coming true similar to nightmare on elm street, however it's unique as it is set in a town that has been encountered by evil and she has the power to stop it. This unique selling point intrigues the audience into watching the film as they know it is going to be different to other horror films like nightmare on elm street. The trailer helps to show this unique selling point throughout as it shows the audience a little clip about who lives there and then it shows the character and how she encounters this place through dreams and visions. It then shows all the action that takes place within Silent Hill and how dangerous this town is because of the demon that lives there or attacks the town, this is left as an enigma for audience members.

Pace: The pace of the trailer is fast throughout, some of the shots slower than others but that is too add emphasis on what is happening. I feel that with the fast pace shots of action it allows the audience to see what is going on but it leaves enigma's for them to think about, such as what is going to happen next. 

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