Friday 9 November 2012

Sinister - Official Trailer HD (2012)

  • From the trailer you can tell that Sinister is a horror due to the content of the scenes. At first the trailer looks like it is going to be a documentary about a family that was murdered, it then skips ahead to 9 months later showing another loving family who have just moved into a house. A quick screachy flash in the trailer shows people hanging and so the audience associate that with the family that got murdered. In the trailer audience a symbol on a door is revealed, however it only stays on screen long enough for people to see it's a symbol, therefore the audience want to know more about it. A picture of a man who is susposedly responsible for killing the previous family is shown in a photo by a bush which is outside the house, the father looks outside and the man is standing in the identical position to the photo. The daughter who seems to be under a curse begins to draw horrible pictures and starts acting possessed.  

  • A family was murdered in a house that a new family have moved into little do they know about the curse that killed the previous family. You see the father go up into the loft where the trailer shows a box that is isolated, this intrigues the audience into wanting to know what is inside and why it is onit's own. It is revealed to have some equipment inside that creates a projection of films that the other family made when they were alive. The killer is freaking and 'Sinister' in the way he looks and acts, in the trailer you hear dialogue of a man on a computer screen talk about a 'Pagan Deity Bagul who consums the soul of human children' this is when you see the killer for the first time underwater moving slowly. The next time you see the killer is when he is standing in the same spot outside the window as in the picture this makes you feel like they are constantly being watched. The trailer then shows you what happens once you have seen him for example his child starts drawing pictures and then becomes possessed, he tries to burn the films, you see someone holding an axe but can't tell if it is the killer or a family member, they start to panic.The very end of the trailer shows you a group of children who could have been victims to the killer looking at the camera with their fingers on their lips showing the audience to be quiet this creates anticpation for the audience as they wait for a jump/scare to occur.

  • The intertitles are used to portray information for the audience an example of this is '9 MONTHS LATER' this indicates to the audience that it has skipped ahead, this is so that they don't get confused during the trailer. The next intertitle shown is 'FROM THE PRODUCERS OF PARANORMAL ACTIVITY AND INSIDIOUS' this gives information to the audience about how good the film will be as they know how brilliant Paranormal activity and Insidious were, this makes them want to see the film more. The intertitle after that is 'ONCE YOU SEE HIM' this creates tension for the audience as they want to know what actually happens after you see him, this makes them intrigued into watching more. Another intertitle reads 'NOTHING WILL SAVE YOU' making the audience feel vulnerable and nervous as they expect the next part of the trailer to be fast paced and jumpy. The pace of the trailer adds to the effect as nearer the end the shots stay on the screen for less time but it gives the audience enough time to see some of what is going on. It builds the tension along with the music that the shots correspond with as everytime you hear a click of the film reel going round the clip changes.

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