Wednesday 7 November 2012

Final Animatic

- In this animatic we have incorporated some ideas that we have seen from our research such as our mood board and idea's page, we have looked into horrors such as the Thing, the strangers and Smiley. The trailer for Smiley was an inspiration for our weapon as they used the knife effectively and it was also an inspiration for our killer as we wanted him to look creepy with unique facial characteristics. The poster for THE THING gave us the idea of a normal setting that is portrayed as something that the audience should fear, the lighting bolt on the poster influenced the way in which our killer will appear on screen. In our animatic we didn't want the killer to be seen straight away which is why we have included him near the end, this was to build up tension for the audience and i think when we create the final teaser trailer this will become an effective killer as the audience anticipate there arrival on screen. We have also made it so that you can't see the killer's face properly therefore it leaves some enigma's for the audience as they wonder what the killer actually looks like. Our animatic does not show any killing's it just adds to the tension and build up as this is a cliche of teaser trailers as they do not want to reveal too much.

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