The killer is important to dress because we want to give the idea to the audience that this is the person to be feared without revealing too much that they seem out of place in the party scenario. We have researched into costumes that may work and can be created ourselves:

Freddy Krueger
Freddy Krueger is a good inspirational idea because it resolves around the make up for the face that changes him from other characters in a scene. The costume he wears however is just a jumper and a hat, which can easily blend in to the party environment. We could use this idea by dressing the killer in a hoodie or a jumper as well with a hood that covers the characters face when being filmed. This will then leave the audience wondering who the killer is until focused on.
The Scream
The costume for the scream can be used without the mask, more as a long coat. It would be changed by making it more everyday, this would be effective because the hood covers the face that would be manipulated with make-up. This way the killer can blend themselves in with the audience more easily and could even be included in the background of certain shots before being revealed that it is the killer in the background. This would be a greater effect for the audience when as they want to know more about this killer.
Michael Myers
This character from Halloween Series is a good character to look into because he includes the knife prop that we use and he is dressed more normally than the other killers researched. This is the killer that we can take inspiration from because in this clip he is shown in a normal environment like what we are trying to put our killer in. His costume is stained with blood, which is what we should be including for our killers costume so it appears more realistic. The face is distorted with make-up as well just like we wanted to create for our killer, but with knife slashes.

Hannibal Lecter
Hannibal lecter has a normal face only changed by the mask, which is easier to create and can be filmed more easily. The characters costume consists of just a blood soaked white shirt, which would agin be easy to take inspiration from and is cheap to create for our killer. This limits our use of make-up for the face but it would still be effective for our character.
We think that the character we should be looking at more is character of Micheal Myers, as it is similar to the killer that we are trying to create. The use of costume, make-up, and environment is similar which is why he has become more inspirational.
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