Because our trailer revolves around a normal teenage party setting, the costumes are going to be more low key - including the killer. The killer would stand out by the use of make up that would distort the facial expression, leaving the costume more ordinary so that they would blend in to the party setting. The costumes are going to be typical teenage clothing, researched below:

teenage girls fashion tends to be short dresses with bare legs on show, this is a consideration for the actors in our trailer who are going to be the party goers, and the main character in our trailer who gets killed, she is the one who is supposed to be the flirtatious character. Straight hair and perfect makeup, this will need to be how our character is dressed to get the appropriate idea of what a teenager should be like.
Bright Tights and High Heels
Bright tights seems to be a statement for 2012 fashion for party's if they decided not to have bare legs, which would be mixed with a plain dress. Females would be the most important to dress as they would be more interested in the way they look. To make this trailer effective the characters perceptions of themselves need to be considered, as we want the audience to beleive that this is set at a party.
Shorts and shirts would be more likely for a house party which is where the trailer will be filmed. This will also be more achievable because our filming involves the use of fake blood which may stain the clothing more, this way it will be cheaper.
Male fashion is more jeans and tops to match, which is how our killer could be dressed to hide into the background. This image is interesting because of the use of contacts for the eyes that appears to make him more scary because it only includes the pupils. This is influenctial when thinking of the killers facial aesthetics using make-up, this is one of the ideas that we could consider.
To the right is a number of examples of teenage fashion that the men could wear in our trailer. From this we can see that they wear jeans and brightly coloured shirts and hoodies on top, normal clothing which will make the atmosphere seem realistic when filming.
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