Thursday 7 March 2013

Trailer Poster

Inspiration for our poster came from many different films, we researched posters and found elements that we thought were effective and what features they used to portray there film. I found the poster for the film The Strangers inspiring as it was dark, created mystery and it had the woman looking forward with the killer standing a bit behind. I liked this aspect as the audience can clearly see what is happening the woman is unaware that someone else is in the house. This is where we got the idea of our character being close to the screen and having the other character laying on the floor. The audience assume that the person on the floor is dead as she is surrounded by blood near her head, we positioned the character closest so that the audience don't know whether they killed her and are walking away or back backing from the killer. This is because we have made it so that the characters stance is slightly leaning backwards so it could indicate that they haven't seen the dead body behind. We wanted the audience to be left with some engima's, we reveal some of the clothing of the charcter closest showing that it is most likely a female, we left the head darkened so you couldn't see there face. We left the backkground white because of the colour of the snow, this corresponds with our trailer as yuo see the girl laying in the snow. If we had changed the colour and had her laying on a dark floor it would not reflect on our trailer. Also because of the white background the character almost blends in apart from the red blood clearly showing the audience she has been injured. The contrast of the white background and the darkness of the closer character makes it more a stand out feature, why is this character darker what significance is this character? We kept the title the same font as the one we used in the trailer and the poster.

We made the poster for our trailer using Adobe Photoshop, we printscreened shots from our trailer to create the poster. We did this by watching the trailer and picking out sections that we thought would be effective in a poster and represent our films genre. Once we had the printscreened shots we put them on publisher as we found this an easier way to crop them to the size we wanted. We narrowed it down to two images from our trailer, which is why we manipulated the size of the images to reveal different aspects, we wanted one character bigger than the other. We chose black and white throughout the poster to show the theme of our trailer, the white of the snow represents innocence that is contrasted with the black of death, which makes us feel uneasy. The colours also represent a lack of emotion could this be from the closer character who maybe doesn't care what has happened? During the research we found many horror posters were dark and mysterious, however we wanted to be different so we used light contrasts, to blend the images so they appear to be all part of one scene.

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