This is a magazine front cover from Horrorscope, this front cover is effective through the use of colours and the main image. The colours blend together, red and black are the two main colours used when representing horrors because the red represents blood and black represents death. The title 'Daddy Hell Care' is in red along with other captions, this is not effective as it doesn't stand out straight away, it is also in a small font so this again does not make it an eye catching feature. However the magazine could want to avoid having a title that is in your face, and so they went for a more subtle title, hoping to still have the same effect on intriguing the audience. The first thing you notice on this magazine cover is the white mask covering the person's face, this intrigues the audience into wondering who this person is and what relevance they have to the film.
There are a lot of captions around the cover, these tell the audience what information is inside the magazine such as ' Screenshots and info on 2011 big film releases', thes make the audience want to read and find out what films they could go see this year. They advertise a competition to win 'V.I.P tickets', this is another intriguing factor for the target audience as they may want that chance to win an interview with the cast members.
Some of the captions are in white, others in red this is effective because the white adds a bit more colour to the cover and adds variety for the magazine rather than the audience seeing the same two colours. The white stands out more against the black and red background this is effective and not effective because yes the white will be read more easily and it is more eye catching, but it takes away from the title and other captions as you focus more on reading the white bits.
The magazine front cover is not effective in the way that it portrays information to the audience, although a magazine should advertise what is inside, this one goes overboard on trying to intrigue the audience. There is too much going on that you don't know where to look or what to read, the caption 'Jordan is curious to find out what happened to his friends... but little did he know that curiosity killed the cat', this does not need to be included on the front as it distracts from the title, as it is directly placed beneath it.
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