Thursday 28 March 2013

Results to Questionnaire

- We asked 5 boys and 5 girls to fill in the questionnaire to do with our trailer, poster and magazine front cover. They were all within our target audience aged 15-18.

Question 1)   What gave you the impression that our trailer was a horror?

Boys: The Throat cutting
The Speciall effects
The Dead body of the girl
Girls: Props
Setting x2
Blood/ the screaming x2
Question 2) What was your favourite part of the trailer and why?
Boys: The girl being dragged, was effective
The music added to the atmposhere
the special effects creating an overall effect x2
The way the shots were placed, the linking to the music created tension
Girls: The enigma's wanting to know more
The girl being dragged, effective
The knife slashing x2 realistic
The music building to the atmposhere of anticipation
Question 3) What do you think could be improved?
Boys: The variety of shots adding more information to the trailer x3
The pace of the shots at the beginning of the trailer to create a bigger opening shock x2
Girls: Could include talking, adding another technique/effect to the trailer
maybe take out the shots that created a little humour such as the dragging round the corner
The pace of the shots could be quicker at the beginning to take audience off guard
Variety of shots including an over the shoulder or long shot
Question 4) Has the trailer intigued youinto watching the film explain your choice?
Everyone said yes due to them wanting to know who the killer is, wanting the enigma's to be answered. The music added to the anticpation intriguing them into wanting to watch.
Question 5) Do you think the poster and magazine advertised our trailer well?
        Everyone answered yes as they said all three elements coincided with each other showing certain aspects of the trailer that are relevent for a horror.
Question 6) What are your best and least favourite parts of the poster?
Boys: BEST- The layout x3
The colour choice x2
LEAST - costumesx3
Add more captions and detail
The Layout
Girls: BEST - The colour choices
The dead body in the background x3
Enigma of who the character closest is
LEAST - Nothing
 Position of the character closest
Add more information
Question 7)  What are your best and least favourite parts of the magazine cover?

Boys: BEST - Captions
Presentation/layout x2
LEAST - Font choice of captions x2
Nothing x2
More information on othwer films included
Girls: BEST - Layout
Smile of the character x3
Not overpowered by information
LEAST - Nothing
More information could be better
Font choice of captions x3
. From these results you can tell that different people view things in certain way according to what they expect to see, they often compare them to other posters or magazines that they have read. This means that everything you do will always have an aspect that could be improved as something else will always have a better quality of that aspect. However it also means that what you create will have aspects that are better than other magazines or poster making yours different and effective.

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