Wednesday 20 March 2013

Fangoria - H2

This is a magazine front cover the film 'H2', this is also a Fangoria magazine. The purpose for this magazine is to intrigue the target audience into reading more about H2, by them finding out more in depth information about the film, it will help persuade them to watch it.

The first thing that catches the audiences attention is the face of the man, who we believe to be the main character. Due to the main image of his face being mashed up on one side and looks as though he has been attacked, this intrigues the audience into finding out what happened to his face, this is also a genre indicator.

The colours are plain and simple, nothing to bright apart from the yellow caption ' Exclusive set visit', this is because by making it yellow it stands out to the audience and it is stating what the magazine includes. By saying that it's an exclusive set visit, this makes the audience want to read and find out more about the set and possibly about some of the actors.

The layout of the poster does not reveal a lot to the audience, it states the title of the film and shows an image of the main character, although it includes information about what the magazine contains, it does not provide enough description. It tells the audience a few of the films that will be mentioned within the magazine, but there are no pictures to correspond with the captions. A little of other elements to do with the other films would intrigue the audience even more. The image takes the whole page, with the captions and titles over the cover. 

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