Thursday, 19 July 2012

Practise animatic A2 - By Jasmine Bridger and Kellie Titchener

This is an animatic that me and Kellie have created as a rough idea for what we could base are trailer on. We have to decided to go with a horror genre but have aspects of other genres such as fantasy - this is through the use of the female character who will be a fantasy creature. We may include a romance aspect as we progress with the idea depending on how well we feel the other two genres go.

This is just a base for use to work on as we actually like this idea we may decide to stick with it and progress on making it more scary, i love the music in this animatic as it goes well with the pace that we wanted and corresponds with the pictures. I think that this music will be our final choice when creating the trailer.

We made an error of putting credits/intertitles on the screen rather than actually creating an intertitle this was due to the fact that we couldn't think of any on the spot, however that will be changed in the actual trailer closer to the time. Although by creating this error we can improve this further on our next animatic by having proper intertitles. When we finalise our idea we will create another animatic in more detail and hoepfully to perfection. We will include intertitles such as - Starring...., Coming soon.... etc.

Steps to use Adobe Premier Elements 10 - new project

Adobe Premier Elements 10 - setting up a new project.

Step by step instructions:

Step 1 - Change settings
Step 2 - Double click Pal
Step 3 - Double click HDV
Step 4 - Double click HDV720P25
Step 5 - Clcik OK

Save as Adobeflashvideo
presets-5th one down ~ FLVweblargepalsource (8 and higher)

Wednesday, 11 July 2012

Harry Potter poster analysis

The genre for Harry Potter is a fantasy this is shown through the use of characters in the poster and the colours of the poster signify death and mystery which are aspects of a fantasy genre. The title is small and at the bottom as it is not the main focus pull of the poster however it is still recognisable and effective as the audience know that the poster is for Harry Potter. The tag line is also at the bottom 'Darkness will Descend' this creates an enigma for the audience as they wonder what will happen but the poster gives a hint in what characters may be involved as it has a character either side of the poster they are in the foreground creating a sense of awareness as they could be the evil ones, however they could be helping Harry who knows?. With Harry in the middle/right third of the poster he is in the background but is still a focus pull of the poster his expression shows determination, although the poster does not reveal whether he is working with the two other characters or against them.

The shot type for this poster is a close up symbolising all the characters facial expressions allowing the audience to pick up on small things for example the character on the left is called 'Serious' i know this as i am an avid Harry Potter fan!. His eyes are green giving a sense that he is not like the other people in the poster and therfore it leaves an enigma for the audience as they anticipate whether he goes against the tag line and is on the good side of magic helping Harry, or whether his eyes are glowing green because he represents an evil creature of the magic world.

The colours of the poster are very dark and dingy creating the awareness of mortality and fearlessness allowing the audience to gain respect for Harry Potter as he continues his battles against evil with or without the help of the two other characters. It symoblises the bravery of Harry Potter and that he is not willing to give up.

Hp poster analysis

The title of the film does not appear on the poster, however people associate the words 'Wizard' and 'Magic' with Harry Potter. I think that the title of the film should always appear on the advertisement so that people immediately know the film that is being advertised, if it is not clear then sometimes audience member don't pay much attention to the poster. The colours of the poster make it seem old fashioned but it is effective as the colour is not to bright it highlights the character in the middle who is the main focus. The genre for Harry Potter is a fantasy this is shown through the use of the character in the middle as the audience can link Azkaban Prison with a made up name and also the words 'Magic' and 'Wizards' also create the image of a fantasy setting with powers and creatures, engaging the audience with an ultimate fantasy scenerio involving a battle with wands and spells.

 The font choice for the date at the bottle is effective as it is in red which makes it stand out and it's not to big so it doesn't over power the main focus. The red box with the white writing is also effective as it is a second focus creating the sense of awareness and danger about the character immediately associating him with evil and darkness, making the audiene anticipate how mysterious he is. The character in the middle posing for his miug shot represents that he is dangerous with magic and uses it for deadly reasons, this provides information about the character and can force people to judge him before they see the film.

The tagline at the top 'Have you seen this Wizard' adds to the atmposhere of tension and uncertainty about his character and the audience are left to ask questions like who is after him? or why did he escape?, did anyone help him escape?. These are enigmas that the audience have to solve when they watch the film as it only reveals a small part of his character.The shot type used in this poster is a medium shot allowing his face and the board that he is holding to be seen, this identifies him as a prisoner but with the effect of the tagline it reveals that he may no longer be within the prison gates. Th shot type is effective as it does not show his whole body which could divert the audience from focusing on what he is holding and the rest of the poster.If his whole body was shown he would take up more of the frame making the detail harder to recognise and so people may miss significant parts and not understand what message is being portrayed.

Tuesday, 10 July 2012

Harry potter poster analysis 'Dobby'

The title of the film appears at the bottom of the poster in the middle, the font used is effective as it stands out due to the lighting of the poster. The smokey background emphasises the bold font creating an eye catching effect for the audience. Harry poster uses many posters to advertise however this one uses a specific chatacter 'Dobby' that is included in this film, they have made him appear sweet and innocent to attract the female audience members into watching the film for the character that is new. The poster uses 'Dobby' as a type of enigma for the audience members as they wonder what he is and who he is creating an effective unique selling point. The tagline' Dobby has come to warn you sir' tells the audience that danger awaits for Harry potter as he could be saying it to him or an eveil character. As the audience don't know who this tagline is for specifically it creates another enigma as the anticipate whether he is going to be good or bad. By placing 'Dobby' in the centre of the poster he is the main focus pull drawing people to question what role he is going to play in the film.

The date release for the film is in white highlighting it seperately to the film title, it is in a smaller font to not draw much attention away from the two main aspects 'Dobby' and the title. The colours used are effective as the left side of the poster and the bottom is dark suggesting that the character in the middle may have a dark side to him, however the bright light on the right contradicts this as it creats a shady mist also suggesting to the audience that he is going to help Harry Potter and that he is really good. This gives people a chance to create a view on him before they even see the film.

The shot type for this poster is a long shot showing the whole character, however he does not fill up the whole frame he is in the centre of the title and the tag line creating an image that he is involved in a big part of the film. By placing him in the centre it shows that he contributes to the film in a significant way. The genre for this film is a fantasy this is shown through the poster as the character 'Dobby' does not look human and has the qualities of an elf. However the film also has elements of romance and mystery, this is indicated in the use of 'Dobby' as he creates mystery for the auidence the lighting corresponds with the idea of mystery as it doesn't show a distinct side to him and the use of the mist created builds tension.

Thursday, 5 July 2012

Attempt at creating a trailer

District 9 - trailer

Immediately the audience get the sense that this isn't a trailer for District 9 as it starts off as though it is a documentary commenting on true facts that have happened although it is more extreme as it is about aliens that don't want to harm the civilians. The genre for this trailer is a sci-fi action you can tell this from the use of characters like the aliens which creates the supernatural atmosphere making the audience think that they are just watching a documetary. The action genre is used to juxtapose the sense that aliens are all about violence and distruction whereas the aliens in the trailer only want peace. The use of credits and intertitles allows the audience to assume that there will be alot of violence created by the humans and that a war will take place. The intertitle 'They are not' tells the audience that is is talking about the aliens and then it flashes 'Welcome' increases the build up of an action as it highlights that the people will not allow the aliens on earth. The next intertitle starts off the same 'They are not' it then says ' Accepted' showing the audience that the people will not let the aliens stay on this planet for too long as they don't trust them. There is another intertitle that says 'They are not Human' increasing the tension even though the audience have anticipated that there is something that is from the unknown. Halfway through the trailer the alien is revealed to the audience prooving what they anticipated, however this is a bad quality for the trailer as it does not leave the audience wondering what the thing might look like or what it could be. It spoils the build up to the film as they already know what to expect.

The narrative shown in the trailer is that the humans have seen a weird thing in the sky, so they go investigate what it could be revealing the aliens living on it. This is when the humans decide that they can't accept the aliens as they do not trust them however the dialogue 'We didn't mean to land here' could be taken to ways, as it may be a trick using a more softer approach from the alien making it seem like an accident. However it could also be a more direct and honest approach from the alien as they really don't want to harm anyone. It then shows that the alien is saying 'how can they go home if you have our ship' this shows that audience that they want peace and that it is the humans invading there personal place rather than the other way round. Highlighting that District 9 wants to have a unique story line where the aliens are actually the peaceful ones juxtaposing to the normal plot line of some alien films where it is all about the aliens being evil and destroying earth.

Although the audience can see it is going to be an action the trailer doesn't show any war or violence it only suggests it creating an enigma for the audience as they have to figure out whether there will be a lot of action or if it will be more sci-fi due to the aliens. The pace stays the same throughout making the trailer seem normal and that it doesn't have any fast bits of action in the film, for me i think this is a bad effect as more audience memebers would want some fast pace shots to create the aggression and build there anticipation so that they will watch the film. Most males want to see fights and explosions and i think the trailer is mellow for what the film is actually about.

Tuesday, 3 July 2012

Prezi comparing two trailers

Me and Kellie created a prezi to analyse two trailers -1) Scary Movie
                                                                                 2) Woman in black
We included many features of how to anayles a trailer such as credits/intertitles and genre. We have analysed them on there own and then added some similarities/differences between the two.

The descent trailer

You  immediately see the six main characters all female in a snap shot taken of them before they go on a trip to a place that is new to the system so it has no name.
The genre for the Descent is a horror and it is aimed at:
this is due to the horrific contents of the killings, the build up of anticipation with jumps and spooks making the audience respond to nothing scary, leaving them wondering when something will actually jump out. You can tell the genre is a horror as the setting is in an undergroundcave that collapses whilst they are in it, due to the lighting being dingy to represent the cave it adds a sense of awareness for the audience as they are left to anticipate what belongs in the cave. Also the colour creates the atmopshere of a cold, damp surrounding with minimal light from their torches leaving the main characters fearing for their lives as they can't see much. The genre is also stated through the use of the creatures that live in the cave that are hunting for food which means that the girls are the main target. The trailer shows the audience a glimpse of the creatures making them wonder why they are down there and so that they are intrigued to to watch the film as they want to know how the creatures prey for their victims and what killings are involved. I think the traget audience of 18 + is for both males and females as it is a classic horror that involves killing and jumps, however some people say that it is more aimed at males due to the suspense and brutal killings. 

The Narrative from the trailer shows the six girls going on a trip caving, it then shows them at the chamber of the cave with only one way out. The next shot is a close up on one of the girls faces as she panics due to her being stuck between two rocks you see her struggle and the minimal light adds to the atmposhere of danger. The trailer then uses special effects of a rock falling between the two friends as one came back to help the other one, the rock thuds as it gets stuck just above there heads you then quickly here the friend say move as the rest collapses after them. The next shot is a wide shot of all the girls and a cluster of dust from the rocks falling, the light goes slightly brighter due to them all having a torch and the audience can make out the rest of the cave. It then shows a two shot of the friends having a conversation one asks 'Where are we?' the other responds 'It hasn't got a name, it's a new system' this builds up the tension as the audience realise that none of them know a way out or what lays on there travel to escape the underground rock formation. The next shot is a key point in the trailer as it shows a point of view shot from one of the girls, it zooms in on this small creature which is highlighted in a small dim light so that the audience can only just see what it might be.
The next part of the trailer shows fast pace action of the girls running away and trying to escape the creatures that want to kill them. It starts with the main girl saying that 'nothing is down here' then it quickly jumps to the other girl saying 'Hello and then the camera quickly pans to show the creature standing behind her, the lighting is a shade of blue so that the audience can clearly see the thing behind her however due to the action being fast it is only a quick shot. The rest of the trailer reveals to the audience the terror and what the girls encounter as they fight for their lives. It represents a standard horror film of jumps and gore as the trailer shows quick shots of a girl coming out of what seems to be a pool of blood and then it also represents how woman behave when things start to go wrong such as moaning at each other and trying to protect one another when really they just want to stop themselves from being killed. At the very end of the trailer you see one girl screaming into the air covered in blood, hinting to the audience that she is screaming because she could be trapped by the creatures and feels she is doomed or she is yelling because all of her friends have died and she could be the only survivor.

In the trailer for the Descent i think the unique selling point is when the audience see a quick reveal of the creature standing behind the girl who is oblivious, this is effective as the audience can anticipate how the creature kills and how it lives in the underground cave. Leaving the audience asking questions is a positive aspect for trailers as it always wants to leave a good impression for the members watching so that they are more intrigued to watch the film as they don't know every detail at once.

Some dialogue in the trailer that i found important was when one girl says 'Nothing is down here' for me this gave the impression that something is definitely going to be in the cave with them and it's not going to be something nice. It also adds tension as people assume that the next part of the trailer will reveal everything about the character, whereas this trailer hides certain parts to make the audience wonder what will happen and if anyone will survive. Another section of dialogue i found important was when the woman says 'It hasn't got a name, it's new on the system' this made me aware of potential dangers as it increases the sense of awareness that if nobody has actually been down there before then who knows what could be lurking around and they have no idea if it is safe to climb.