Monday 8 October 2012

"The Strangers" Trailer (Better Lock Your Doors!)

Genre: Horror / Thriller - You can tell that The Strangers is a horror/thriller from the trailer as the strangers are wearing masks and from the beginning you have the swing making the eeary squeking sound of it moving. You hear a knock at the door and they both look not noticing anyone creating suspense. The audience see a long shot of the character in the kitchen looking across the room and in the background the mask character is in the doorway just looking at her making the audience anticipate that they are no longer safe. The woman goes into a room and the window just says hello suggesting to the audience that the characters want to make her fear them but in a subtle way so not threatening her they want to make her on edge.

Narrative: The Strangerrs is a terrifying suspense thriller about a couple whose remote getaway after their marriage becomes a place of terror when masked strangers invade. The confrontation forces Kristen and James to go far beyond what they thought themselves capable of if they hope to survive. From the scene where she is in the kitchen and you see the guy in the mask staring at her in the doorway, the trailer becomes a waiting game of suspense for the audience as you already know they can get in whenever they want shown through the use of Kristen and James locking the doors and the strangers in the house however it is just a question of when they will make their move. The trailer shows them panicking and trying to escape the strangers the last clip shows them trapped by the three strangers leaving the audience to wonder if they manage to escape or die.

USP: The unique selling point for this trailer is that it is based on a true story, although a lot of horror movies state that they are based on true stories it is still a USP for the fact that it is based on different events to the other horror movies therefore the plot is all about a specific event that no other horrors have covered yet.

Target audience:

This is because although it is a horror/thriller and their are jumps and most likely deaths although the trailer leaves that as an enigma as you don't see anyone actually getting attacked. It is not for anyone under the age of 15 because of the story line and the people in masks invading a home would make people younger have nightmares. It is a 15 due to the content it is not too scary with gruesome deaths but it is just suitable for the audience in a psychological way that they anticipate events.

Pace of trailer: The pace of the trailer is slow to start with showing the couple in the house having a peacful and romantic moment, it is still slow when you start to see the strangers appear one by one in different ways for example the man in the house with her, then a woman standing in a gap by a metal door, the last stranger you see is one standing in the road but they are too far away to see their face. The pace speeds up when the axe goes through the door this builds the atmpsohere and the chance of survival for them slowly disappears as they realise what they are up against. You see more clips of the strangers occuring with like a snap shot sound as each one appears. The fast pace action shows the couple fighting for their life as they are trying to escape and the strangers attacking them in different ways for example with an axe and a car. By having the trailer from a slow pace to a fast pace the audience has built up tension and anticipation waiting for the trailer to pick up pace and show some action that occurs in the film.

Music: The music for the trailer adds to the atmposhere of something strange that is coming and that they have no idea what they are up against. The sound of the swing moving and making the creaking noise makes me shiver as it sounds eeary and makes me anticipate danger, especially when she looks and no one is there. When the first stranger appears in the house there is no music adding more tension as you wonder what is going to follow and it makes the shot more significant highlghting the strangers that have appeared and you don't know why. The middle part of the trailer is built on non diegetic sound effects where just the audience can hear it and the characters can't although near the end of the trailer when the pace builds up you hear diegetic sound of a record playing melancholy music which juxtaposes what the characters are feeling as they are scared for their lives.

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