Thursday 11 October 2012

Horror movies based on true events

1) The Exorcist - William Friedkin

The Exorcist was claimed to be based on true events the film consisting of a 13 year old girl Regan who has a seizure and then begins to show signs of possession may be the work of a demon. Her family result in trying to get the demon out of her by performing an exorcism where two priests attempt to save her.

The true event that the Exorcist is meant to be based on: Roland Doe a 12 year old boy attempts to contact his late aunt by using a ouija board, soon after paranormal activity begins to occur in his house unexplained noises. He was taken to a mental institution where a group of priests began to perform rituals attempting to bring out the inner demon from the boy.

2)   The Hills Have Eyes - Wes Cavern

The Carter family are on vacation when they fall victim to a trap where their vehicle crases. The father, Bob, heads to a nearby gas station in search of help where he learns of the deranged clan of cannibals living in the nearby hills. The hill people  capture Bob, set fire to the vehicle and take an infant hostage including many other torture acts such as rape and pet- eating.
The true event: inspired by the story of Sawney Bean, a Scotsman from the 15th or 16th century. Bean was the son of ditch digger who did not want to follow in his father's foot steps, he ran away with a girl and holed up in a cave by the sea. None of the cave dwellers worked, they had to make due with ambushing travelers on the road, stealing from them then killing and eating the corpses. Bean and his wife had many children and grand-children all through incest since they never left their cave unless attacking victims. They reportedly murdered and ate more than 1000 people before they were finally caught. Their punishment was that the men were sentenced to death by blood loss after having their hands, feet and genitals cut off. The women were forced to watch before they were all burned alive.
3)  Jaws - Steven Spielberg
As families go on vacation at Amity Island in New England, a great white shark begins killing and eating tourists. Rather than losing out on the proceeds from the busy July 4th weekend of tourism, the mayor refuses to close the beach and the attacks continue. A group of people including the town police chief, a marine biologist and a shark hunter spend night and day hunting this huge shark before it claims additional victims.
The true events: He got the story idea from incidents that happened during the summer of 1916 along the Jersey Shore. During that summer, 5 people were attacked while swimming off the coast. 4 of the 5 died from their injuries. No one is sure if it was a great white shark however they were considered as man- eating machines.
4) The Haunting In Connecticut - Peter Cornwell
The Campbell family moves into a home in Connecticut, to look after and care for their son who has cancer, the son starts to experience hallucinations which throughout the film begin to appear for all family members. The family learn  that the home they live in was formerly used as a mortuary. The supernatural events continue in the home and intensify, turning violent.
 The treu events: In the 1980s, the Parker family moved into a home in Southington, Connecticut, in order to be close to the University of Connecticut where their son was undergoing cancer treatment. Unknown to the family, that the building was formerly a funeral home, something they discovered after finding embalming equipment in the basement.

The family reported strange events in the home such as sights and sounds of ghosts. An investigation later revealed the former morticians were involved in necrophilia.



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