- The title of the film is at the bottom of the poster leaving the image to be the main feature, the title is in red making it stand out against the black background and it is easy to read. It is in a normal font however the 'FRIDAY' is a bigger size compared to 'the' indicating that Friday is the main part of the title and also 13th is in a big font highlighting it's importance.
- The black and dingy background symbolises to the audience that the film is spooky and eeary, creating a nervous atmosphere. The background image of the woods with little light shows that some of the film will happen in the dark with little chance to see what may be out there.
- The main character is in the midddle third inidcating their importance and also he is wearing a mask, which shows that he does not want to be seen. He is carrying a weapon which is long and looks scary but this intrigues the audience as they want to see gruesome deaths and they expect moments of panic and jumpy moments. The character is standing upright showing the audience that he is confident in his ability to kill and will do anything to stop people.
- The tagline 'Welcome to crystal lake' intrigues the audience into wanting to know what he does to people who visit this place and what significance this crystal lake has within the film context.
- The Unique Selling Point is the fact that it is made by the porducers of The Texas Chainsaw Massacre this also intrigues the audience into watching the film as The Texas Chainsaw Massacre was a massive horror film success. Also if people loved that film they will expect this film to be of similar level and will want to watch it to see if it is what they thought it would be. They will rate this film compared to Texas Chainsaw Massacre and will want it to be better quality and include different elements that they thought the other film could of had.
- The release date is at the bottom of the poster in a small font, but it is still noticeable and gives the audience the vital information of when they can go watch this film in cinema. It also comes out on the 13th creating to the effect of the title being Friday the 13th which is already an unlcucky number and date in itself as people associalte Friday the 13th with danger and a day when bad things occur.
Thursday, 20 December 2012
Poster analysis for Friday 13TH
Wolf creek poster analysis
Teaser poster
- The title of the film is in the middle of the poster making it stand out to audience members, the colour white can symbolis the meaning of purity and saftey, however this is juxtaposed in the character in the poster as she is covered in blood seems to be crawling on the floor. The title is short and simple, so it's easy for audience members to read.
- The female character in the poster indicates to the audience that it is a horror as she is covered in blood, although it may be someone else's blood. The idea that she is meant to be trying to escape from something or someone is shown in her facial expression as she represents fear and desperation. Also she is on what looks like a main road but in the middle of nowhere showing that although it's a long road, nobody uses it. This could mean that any car seen going down the road could be danger. She is positioned in the right third of the screen meaning that she is not moving in a straight line and although she is one of the main focuses she doesn't have to be central to the poster for her to be effective.
- The Unique Selling Point in the poster for me is the women and the fact that she is isolated in the middle of nowehere indicating that she has been travellling for ages trying to escape, the blood for me indicates that she has been injured although i also get the impression that it might not be just her blood. In the distance i can see what maybe looks like a car coming down the road, this could symbolise danger or help coming to get her.
- I think audience members are hooked on the scenery and the main character as the background shows what seems to be a desolated area in the middle of the mountains, this leaves enigma's for the audience as well because they want to know why she is out there in the first place and did she go alone or is she just the only survivor?
- The tagline 'How can you be found, when no one knows your missing' indicates to the audience that she is searching for help that doesn't exist as nobody will be looking for people in this area. Also it suggests that she wasn't alone and maybe no one will know to look for her because the other's are dead. The tagline represents lost hope for the women in the poster and that it will take a miracle for her to be saved.
- The title is in the left middle almost symbolising half a cut poster as it is on the side, however it is not the main feature as it is overpowered by the rest of the poster being images of what looks like victims. The title colour blends in with the rest of the colours on the poster, but it is put in front of a black background section making it stand out.
- The Unique Selling Point is the idea that it's 'BASED ON TRUE EVENTS' intrigues the audience into wanting to watch as it makes the film more intense and scary, it highlights the meaning of a true horror.
- The release date is on the poster telling the audience information about when they can go see the film, all the information is in the left third leaving the rest of the poster with the different images for the audience to interpret how they want.
- The tagline 'The Thrill Is In The Hunt' shows the audience that this is a horror and that the characters will be put to the test of survival and will be doing all they can to escape, it also suggests that whatever is after them will not stop until it gets what it wants. THEM DEAD.
- The background colour is black and yellow colour, black symbolising power and death and evil highlighting the aspects of the killer wanting to cause them pain and torture. The colour yellow representing a warm effect, however when the colours black and yellow are used together it issues a warning, by having different shades of yellow it looses the cheerful effect and creates a dingy atmosphere.
- The main characters on the poser is an image of three different people showing different parts, the female character on the bottom rights looks like she is creaming in pain or is watching someone being tortured. The female on the left top shows her head cut and her eye looks like she is staring at something or she is dead and has gone motioneless. The person is the right top could be the killer or a victim as they have an evil look in their eye and the blood near the bottom of the face shows that he has been hurt or injured someone else and got blood on him.
- This is our storyboard for our trailer, we have added more shots to our previous animatic and have included sound effects. We will be doing another animatic soon with these changes included, so we can see how long the trailer should aproximately last for.
Wednesday, 19 December 2012
Run through - shot by shot
Shot 1 - Twisted Pictures appears on screen (5 seconds)
Screen fades out and the next shot appears.
Shot 2 - Swing movement in the park eeary sound
(3 seconds) Close-up
Shot 3 - characters needed: Killer and Rosie
- Snap shot of the characters jumping in a puddle holding hands (3 seconds)
Shot 4 - character needed: Killer
- Mid shot of the Killer walking down the street - credit appears (Starring.....)
(3 seconds)
Shot 5 - character needed: Rosie
- Similar shot of Rosie walking down the street - credit (Starring......)
(3 seconds)
Shot 6 - Character needed Donny
- Tracking shot of characters feet walking in the woods
(3 seconds)
Shot 7 - Intertitle 'YOUR NEVER ALONE' appears on screen
(5 seconds)
Shot 8 - characters needed: All
- Different angled shots of people at a party dancing having fun
Shot 9 - Newspaper article of someone dieing - effect of it spinning?
(5 seconds)
Shot 10 - Intertitle 'Watch your back' lasts about 3 seconds
Shot 11 - character needed: Killer
- Close-up on the Killers hand holding a knife - sound of screaming
(2 seconds)
Shot 12 - characters needed Rosie
Mid-shot on Rosie's hands being dragged back lasts about 2 seconds
Shot 13 - Knife in strobe quickly moving to the floor continous (2 seconds)
Shot 14 - - Characters needed Rosie
Point of view shot from Donny looking out a window, hand streak appears, blood stained. (3 seconds)
Shot 15 - Another action of a knife being slashed (2 seonds)
Shot 16 - Intertitle 'Death' (1 second)
Shot 17 - mid shot of someone worrying (1 second)
shot 18 - Intetitle 'Is' (1 second)
shot 19 - running people (1 second)
shot 20 - Intertitle 'Always' (1 seond)
shot 21 - close-up of characters face (1 second)
shot 22 - Intertitle 'One' (1 second)
shot 23 - close-up of foot, mud on camera screen (1 second)
shot 24 - Intertitle - 'Step' (1 second)
shot 25 - Runing people (1 second)
shot 25 - Intertitle 'Behind' (1 second)
shot 26 - Zooming in on the killers back, he turns round to reveal his face (4 seconds)
Music ends
Screen fades out and the next shot appears.
Shot 2 - Swing movement in the park eeary sound
(3 seconds) Close-up
Shot 3 - characters needed: Killer and Rosie
- Snap shot of the characters jumping in a puddle holding hands (3 seconds)
Shot 4 - character needed: Killer
- Mid shot of the Killer walking down the street - credit appears (Starring.....)
(3 seconds)
Shot 5 - character needed: Rosie
- Similar shot of Rosie walking down the street - credit (Starring......)
(3 seconds)
Shot 6 - Character needed Donny
- Tracking shot of characters feet walking in the woods
(3 seconds)
Shot 7 - Intertitle 'YOUR NEVER ALONE' appears on screen
(5 seconds)
Shot 8 - characters needed: All
- Different angled shots of people at a party dancing having fun
Shot 9 - Newspaper article of someone dieing - effect of it spinning?
(5 seconds)
Shot 10 - Intertitle 'Watch your back' lasts about 3 seconds
Shot 11 - character needed: Killer
- Close-up on the Killers hand holding a knife - sound of screaming
(2 seconds)
Shot 12 - characters needed Rosie
Mid-shot on Rosie's hands being dragged back lasts about 2 seconds
Shot 13 - Knife in strobe quickly moving to the floor continous (2 seconds)
Shot 14 - - Characters needed Rosie
Point of view shot from Donny looking out a window, hand streak appears, blood stained. (3 seconds)
Shot 15 - Another action of a knife being slashed (2 seonds)
Shot 16 - Intertitle 'Death' (1 second)
Shot 17 - mid shot of someone worrying (1 second)
shot 18 - Intetitle 'Is' (1 second)
shot 19 - running people (1 second)
shot 20 - Intertitle 'Always' (1 seond)
shot 21 - close-up of characters face (1 second)
shot 22 - Intertitle 'One' (1 second)
shot 23 - close-up of foot, mud on camera screen (1 second)
shot 24 - Intertitle - 'Step' (1 second)
shot 25 - Runing people (1 second)
shot 25 - Intertitle 'Behind' (1 second)
shot 26 - Zooming in on the killers back, he turns round to reveal his face (4 seconds)
Music ends
13TH JULY 2013
Make-up ideas
Because our killer is centered around the use of the knife, we decided to look at make-up tutorials of how we could make slash marks on our killers face to make him appear scary to the audiences. We have looked at a variety of different killers and have found that some of the more popular killers wear normal clothes but have a distorted face, which is why we have decided to look further at chnaging our actor matt creasey's facial expression. We have found one Youttube video of make a slash mark by the mouth which seems effective, we could usemultiple amounts of these marks all over his face with the fake blood included.
This website includes many examples of make-up examples for what we can do for our final killers face.

This website includes many examples of make-up examples for what we can do for our final killers face.
Tuesday, 18 December 2012
We were due to film on the 16th of this month however one of the actors said that they couldn't make that day. We are still hoping to film soon and we are discussing possible dates, it is a shame that we have had to rearrange this as we wanted it all filmed before christmas.
Next possible dates are: Thursday 27th
Monday 31st
Other dates in discussion.
Next possible dates are: Thursday 27th
Monday 31st
Other dates in discussion.
Friday, 7 December 2012
Prop photo knife
A knife is the weapon that we chose to use for our killer because it appears most threatening and is a cliched horror weapon. The fake blood research that we have already looked into canbe smeared onto the knife to create the illusion that he has already killed. We got the idea from Michael Myers, a horror character that is similar to how we are making our killer and uses the same weapon in a threatening way.
There are different types of knives that we could use:
This knife has a more decorative handle than normal knives. This would only be effective if the knife was prominantly shown in our trailer which it will be, but it also seems more old fashioned. Being old fashioned wouldn't work because out trailer is meant to insinuate the modern day killer, and the use of this mise-en-scene doesn't show this continuity.
This knife seems more modern day which would be more effective for our trailer. It has a pattern on the handle that doesn't appear to be from an older generation. This could be once of the considerations for our killer.
The butterfly knife is effective because there could be some clever effects when it comes to the strobing that we were considering to use for our trailer, instead of slicing down it could be the killer opening the knife out. This is another consideration for our killer, as it also appears more modern day, and it changes our killer from Michael Myers.
Wednesday, 5 December 2012
Intro/Opening Twisted Picture

Twisted Pictures is an Institution that has created all the Saw films, which makes it popular and has gained financial profit. As you can tell with the use of text and imagery, Twisted Pictures is only associated with horror films, which is why it is perfect for our trailer.
To have this Institution at the beginning of our trailer allows the audience to already gain an understanding of what genre our film is, and it will intrigue them to how the scenes digress to a typical horror trailer.
This is the video of the opening of the Institutions opening, and it is effective because of its link to the horror genre. This runs for 11 seconds, and seeing how this is a trailer we have had to consider the timing. This is why we have decided to cut it down so that the trailer finishes 5 seconds in, this is when the dagger comes slashing down onto the screen. The sound effects won't be added until after the Institution, this is because it is very atmosheric for the genre and will leave a silence at the end for the music to start slowly.
We like this Institution as well because of the visual aesthetics of how it is presented to screens, it is effective because it stands out to audiances because of its effects. We likes the noises that were made by metal grating which wound around the title in bold, the same as what our trailer title will have.
It will make our trailer stand out as an effective horror film because the Institution is known worldwide for the horror/thriller genre.
To have this Institution at the beginning of our trailer allows the audience to already gain an understanding of what genre our film is, and it will intrigue them to how the scenes digress to a typical horror trailer.
This is the video of the opening of the Institutions opening, and it is effective because of its link to the horror genre. This runs for 11 seconds, and seeing how this is a trailer we have had to consider the timing. This is why we have decided to cut it down so that the trailer finishes 5 seconds in, this is when the dagger comes slashing down onto the screen. The sound effects won't be added until after the Institution, this is because it is very atmosheric for the genre and will leave a silence at the end for the music to start slowly.
We like this Institution as well because of the visual aesthetics of how it is presented to screens, it is effective because it stands out to audiances because of its effects. We likes the noises that were made by metal grating which wound around the title in bold, the same as what our trailer title will have.
It will make our trailer stand out as an effective horror film because the Institution is known worldwide for the horror/thriller genre.

Prop photo Fake blood
Fake blood
How to make a splatter gun
You will Need:
Step 4: Stop the end. Use a push pin to clog the end of the tube. Make sure it's well clogged.
How to make a splatter gun
You will Need:
Making the splatter gun:
Step 1: Take a piece of small plastic tubing about the size of a vein or an artery, and force it onto the end of a syringe. Use tape or glue to make this into an airtight seal.
Step 2: Make the blood. Pour some soy sauce into a cup or bowl and add the red food dye. Add enough to make the blood dark red.
Step 3: Load the syringe. Put the end of the tubing in the cup or bowl and pull back the plunge to suck up the blood.
Step 4: Stop the end. Use a push pin to clog the end of the tube. Make sure it's well clogged.
Step 5: Prep yourself. Tape the loaded syringe under your costume and push on the plunger to release a spray of blood.
Tuesday, 4 December 2012
Location shots
- We are using this area to show the characters walking to what seems to be a party, we are going to film parts of the trailer inside the house resembling the party.
- This is the park where we are going to film some of our shots when the killer is pretending to be happy and show his romantic side.
- Oxshott Woods: This is where we are filming some of our trailer, make it more scary we are hopefully going to film when it is dark and maybe during the day to get a contrast and see what looks more effective.
Monday, 26 November 2012
Questionnaire results Q7-13 Pie charts/written responses
7. Have you recently watched a horror film?
55% percent of people said that they recently watched a horror film
If yes, please state the name of the film:
- Insidions
- Saw
- Saw
8. If you answered yes to the previous question please state you opinion of the film:
- Saw - it was a real thriller
- THEM - it was very good because of the tension it gave and because you could not see the killers face.
- Saw - there was a lot of gore
- Insidions - it was okay
9. Do you think that a good soundtrack in a horror trailer adds to the effect?
100% of people say that a good soundtrack adds effect
Please state why you chose your answer:
- intrigues audience
- it makes it scarier
- builds up tension
- a good soundtrack will help build up the tension, whereas a soundtrack that doesn't fit the trailer won't help promote the film
- the right music leaves the audience on edge
- leaves you on edge
- adds to the tension
- adds suspense
- makes the scene tense
10. Does the title 'THE 13TH KILLING' sound effective for a horror movie?
100% of people said that it is a good name for a horror film
Please explain you choice:
- effective
- 13 is an unlucky number - adds tension
- sounds spooky
- it doesn't explain anything about a 13th kill, but you want to know
- it basically gurantees a number of deaths are going to happen
- it automatically tells the audience the genre and intrigues them into wanting to watch it
- sounds scary and unlucky
- reminds me of the the killing
- sounds intriguing
11. Do you think that the trailer is the most important advertising product for a film?
100% of people think the trailer is the most important part of advertising
- get to see some of the film to make a decision
- draws in audience
- first impression for audience
- it is used to intrigue the audience and gain their attention. It is the first advertising product that the audience see.
- because it reveals the plot slightly
- allows you to see the killer beforehand
- introduction to film to audiences
- gains the audience to watch the film
- its the first chance people get to see the plot and the characters
12. How do watch films?
66% of people watch film in the cinema and on DVD
13. How often do you watch films?
55% of people watch films once a week
Questionnaire results Q1-6- pie charts/ written responses
1. Do you enjoy watching films?
100% of people said they enjoy watching films
2. What is your favourite genre of film?
45% of people prefer horror films to other genres
3. What would you define as horror?
- Scary, blood
- Scary moments, evil killer
- jumpy, scary moments
- something that makes you jump, a film that after you watch it makes you feel scared
- something that scares the audience and leaves them on edge
- scary killer
- scary parts
- jumpy movements, blood and gore
- jumpy moments
4. Name three horror films?
- The Strangers, Friday 13th, Saw
- The Strangers, Friday 13th, Blair Witch Project
- Paranormal Activity, IT, Silent Hill
- Scream, wolf creek, Them
- The Thing, Nightmare On Elm Street, Scream
- The Descent, Wolf Creek, The Strangers
- The Strangers, Saw, The Descent
- The Descent, Wolf Creek, Wrong Turn
- Nightmare On Elm Street, Dead Silent, Strangers
5. What elements would you like to see in a trailer for a horror?
- scary, fast paced at points
- jumps, blood
- the killer, blood-killing
- a person that you want to die, the killer - but in a way that you don't know anything
- the killer briefly, blood
- blood and gore, the killer
- scary parts, screaming, tense
- jumps, clips of killer
- clips of killer, blood
6. Would you consider watching a horror film in cinema?
100% of people said they would consider watching a horror film in cinema
Friday, 23 November 2012
Blank questionnaire for target audience
We gave this questionnaire to our target audience members we used a range of questions from finding out their favourite genre to more direct questions about horror films for example 'what elements would you like to see in a trailer for a horror' and 'What would you define as a horror'. We are posting our results on another post to show that some of the questions got a wide range of responses and some got the same answer from most of the audience members.
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